- Reduce plant downtime by 50% compared to traditional systems
- Move loads through production with 1/10 th the effort
- Fast, safe and precise method to mate together multi-ton subassemblies
- Flexibility to reconfigure assembly line on the fly
- Safe: keeps load low to the ground, no swinging components as with cranes
- Unrestricted line movement, not limited to a path like rail or conveyor systems
- Flexibility to modify flow paths, adapt to existing tooling and offer unencumbered movement
- Requires zero building modification
- Clean room compliant. Clean operation compliments good housekeeping
Air Cushion Vehicle
Transfer Cart
Air Caster Rigging System
Embedded System
Customized Solutions
The Problem Solver
Machine Mating and
How It Works
Fast, safe and precise method to mate together multi-ton subassemblies