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AeroGo Wins GOLD! Manufacturer of the Year, Small Business 2017

2016 Manufacturing Logo YEARAeroGo, Inc. is honored to be the proud recipient of Seattle Business magazine’s award for Manufacturer of the Year, Small Business. AeroGo President John Massenburg accepted the award at the banquet April 26th at the Museum of Flight. During his acceptance speech, Mr. Massenburg stated, “I am so proud of AeroGo and our employees. This award solidifies our 50 year history as a U.S. manufacturer of high quality products, and our impact on industries around the world.” Seattle Business magazine editor Leslie Helm stated that ‘The awards are given to companies with innovative products who find ways to boost their competitiveness through improved manufacturing processes and effective marketing.” Paul Jakse, Vice President of Sales, and Steve Paige, Chief Financial Officer accompanied Mr. Massenburg onstage to accept the award on behalf of AeroGo.

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