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AeroGo Air Caster Rigging Solutions Helps Department of Energy Move Incinerator

A large amount of Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D) operations are being conducted throughout the DOE Complex.  D&D operations often use heavy equipment to lift or remove large heavy items during the decommissioning process.  It is often difficult or impossible to get heavy equipment into these facilities to remove heavy items, forcing workers to resort to physical labor to perform these tasks or make expensive modifications to facilitate rigging. Because of these difficulties, INEEL D&D operations expressed the need for a technology that could be used to remove two massive incinerator components from the Waste Experimental Reduction Facility (WERF).  Current measures for removing the incinerator components involved making a hole in the roof and using a massive crane to lift the incinerator from the facility, then rebuilding the roof.

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