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How to Determine the Right Load Movement System

select the right load movement system

Ep 1: Compare systems for moving heavy loads

Introduction to a series of 7 questions to consider when choosing a system for moving heavy loads in industrial settings.

EP 01

select the right load movement system

Ep 2: What does the load weigh?

Users already know the weight of the load they need to move, making this question the natural starting point of our assessment of load moving systems.

EP 02

select the right load movement system

Ep 3: How much flexibility is required?

Does the load have to follow a path? Not all move systems will align with the path the load needs to follow. Some paths may be fixed while others may be variable.

EP 03

select the right load movement system

Ep 4: How frequently and how far does the load move?

Some move systems must be capable of moving loads continuously while others relatively infrequently. The more frequent the move, the more efficient the setup.

EP 04

select the right load movement system

Ep 5: What does a move system cost?

Any move system will require a capital expenditure to purchase. Different move systems vary enormously in cost. Even the same move system can vary in cost.

EP 05

select the right load movement system

Ep 6: Loadable systems and training/certification

How loadable is the system? How do you get the load onto the load system, and what kind of training or certification is required?

EP 06

select the right load movement system

Ep 7: How safe is the option you have selected

Although serious incidents involving any type of move system are thankfully rare, when they happen, they can be catastrophic.

EP 07

How to Select the Best Load Movement System

A selection guide to evaluate 7 critical criteria


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